Applied Sequence and Biostratigraphy Program
Recent and Current Research Projects
Texas Coastal Plain Biostratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Reservoir Characterization
- New Biostratigraphic Markers for Onshore Paleogene Reservoir Identification and
Characterization – Supplemental Grant, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board,
ATP, 5/31/05 through 7/26/2005, D.S. Van Nieuwenhuise Principal Investigator.
Support of Renee Gjere, Thurogood Marshall High School.
- New Biostratigraphic Markers for Onshore Paleogene Reservoir Identification and
Characterization – Supplemental Grant, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board ATP,
5/31/04 through 7/16/2004, D.S. Van Nieuwenhuise Principal Investigator.
Support of Renee Gjere, Taylor High School.
- New Biostratigraphic Markers for Onshore Paleogene Reservoir Identification and
Characterization, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, ATP, 1/1/04 through
12/31/2005, D.S. Van Nieuwenhuise Principal Investigator. With Renee Gjere, Sarah
Jacobson, and Yomi Oyedele.
- Geology, Structure and Fluid Flow in the Vicinity of the South Liberty Salt
Dome, Texas. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and other sources, R. Capuana
Principal Investigator. Research by Tat Banga, R. Capuana, and D. S. Van Nieuwenhuise.
- South Texas Oil Well Paleogene Biostratigraphy, six wells provided 6/04 to present. D. S.
Van Nieuwenhuise, biostratigraphy. With Renee Gjere, Sarah Jacobson, and Yomi Oyedele.
- Midway and K/T Boundary Core Analysis, Force Petroleum providing core samples, August 2004
to present. D. S. Van Nieuwenhuise, biostratigraphy.
- Bridge Foundation Core of Stone City Outcrop. Material provided by Texas A&M and Amoco.
Summer 2002 to Present. With Renee Gjere, Sarah Jacobson, and Yomi Oyedele.
Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, High Resolution Sequence and Biostratigraphy
- Graphic Correlation and High-Resolution Stratigraphy of the AV153-1, AV63-1/ST1, AV63-1/ST2 Wells,
AGIP Petroleum Company, 6/01/02-12/01/03, Principle Investigator: D.S. Van Nieuwenhuise.
Foraminiferal evaluation and Graphic Correlation by D. Van Nieuwenhuise. Nannofossil evaluation and
analysis by Eric DeKaenel.
- Graphic Correlation and High-Resolution Stratigraphy of the AV63-3B3 Well, AGIP Petroleum Company,
6/01/02-12/01/03, Principle Investigator: D.S. Van Nieuwenhuise. Foraminiferal evaluation and Graphic
Correlation by D. Van Nieuwenhuise. Nannofossil evaluation and analysis by Eric DeKaenel.
Texas Coastal Plain Biostratigraphic Database
- Texas Gulf Coast Biostratigraphic Well Database Project, U.S. Geological Survey, 3/31/04
Jerolyn Morrison and Don Van Nieuwenhuise.
- Texas Gulf Coast Biostratigraphic Well Database Project, U.S. Geological Survey,
Supplement 1 3/18/04 through 9/31/04; Jerolyn Morrison and Don Van Nieuwenhuise.
- Texas Gulf Coast Biostratigraphic Well Database Project, U.S. Geological Survey,
Supplement 2 9/31/04 through 9/31/05; Jerolyn Morrison and Don Van Nieuwenhuise..