Applied Sequence and Biostratigraphy Program
Research Topics
- Integrated stratigraphy of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.
- Integrated stratigraphy of other basins with economic interest or of value to the development
of high resolution stratigraphy.
- Stratigraphic controls on reservoir and seal distribution and characterization.
- Paleoenvironmental controls on reservoir, source and seal in marine and nonmarine environments.
Training Programs
- Develop stratigraphy courses and short courses that are regionally focused on petroliferous
basins or related to new stratigraphic methodologies.
- Develop courses illustrating the integration of biostratigraphic data with other forms
of stratigraphic information to improve subsurface stratigraphic resolution and reservoir/aquifer
- Training projects for graduate students and corporate interns.
- Provide courses that link to the Petroleum Geosciences and Reservoir Engineering programs.
- Develop a petrophysics program.